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Car Accidents Injury Claims

Hundreds of thousands of people are injured in Road Traffic Accidents every year. Injuries can range from minor whiplash to the cervical spine to serious fractures and brain injuries. If you have been injured as a result of the negligence of another driver you are likely to be compensated by the insurance company. Even if the person driving is uninsured we can still assist.

Car accident injury claims involve legal processes through which individuals seek compensation for injuries and damages sustained in a car accident caused by the negligence of another party.

Car Accident Compensation Claims

  • What Should I Do After A Car Accident?

    Doing the following after the car accident will help you create a stronger case so that you can get the maximum compensation for your personal injury claim:

    Even if the car damage looks minor and the injuries look like they are very mild and do not require immediate medical treatment, it is still advisable to call the police to the scene of the accident so you can get an official record of everything.

    At a later date, when you can, get a copy of the official police report and keep it with you. This report will contain several important details that could help you when filing your claim for compensation successfully. In clear cut cases of where the fault lies, the report may also include the police officer’s opinion of who was responsible for the accident.

  • How Do I Claim Compensation For Car Accident?

    Initially the car accident claims process can seem daunting. However, we have vast experience in this area of road traffic accident claims and can walk you through the initial stages. This is something we have carried out many times before, almost daily in fact, and our solicitors understanding of the legal system will ensure your case is handled in a professional manner. If we conclude after discussing your car accident injury that you do have a good claim for car accident compensation and we take your claim on by way of a No Win No Fe agreement there are a number of actions which need to be taken to proceed.

    Firstly, we will arrange a free medical examination in your local area to assess the severity of your injuries and estimated recovery time. In many cases we are able to obtain early partial compensation payments to cover immediate costs such as physiotherapy if required – which can also be arranged at facilities in your area. The evidence gathering process will involve a full account of the car accident, when it happened, where it happened and why it happened. We will also assist you in gathering photographs and witness statements where applicable which, together with your medical records, will form the core backbone of evidence as we seek to prove negligence.

    The vast majority of car accident injury claims will be settled out of court where there is strong evidence proving negligence and liability. If the defendant seeks an out of court settlement we will discuss with their representatives an appropriate compensation settlement. Where negligence is disputed, or perhaps there is shared negligence with other parties, your case will go before the courts. We have vast experience in court cases, where you may be called to give evidence, and rest assured we will be there to support you every step of the way.

  • What Evidence Do I Need For A Car Accident Claim?

    Make notes about the road traffic accident as soon as you are able to. Include as many details as you can, even those that may seem insignificant at the time. You will need to maintain all documentation and receipts that are associated with the accident. This could include:

    • Photographs of the vehicle and of the accident scene.

    • Photographs of your injuries immediately after the car crash.

    • Memos, prescription orders and receipts related to your medical care, including X-Rays and details of visits to the physical therapist, family doctor, emergency room or chiropractor. Make sure the necessary documentation is signed and dated. You do not want it dismissed on a technical error.

    • Keep receipts of all miscellaneous costs that you incurred, which were a direct result of the accident – paying for a taxi service, cost of hiring child care or cancelling airline tickets if you were scheduled to travel.

    • Letter from your employer verifying your lost work hours and also stating how much income you would have lost.

    You should also maintain a daily diary where you record all other details related to the car accident claim that cannot otherwise be substantiated with receipts. For example, if you are an injured motorist undergoing treatment at the hospital for whiplash, write down all details of how you got there and back, what the treatment involved and how long it took as well as the discomfort and pain you had to go through.

    Keep a record of your emotional state on most days. Mention all of the difficulties you have to overcome on a daily basis. All of this will help strengthen your case and get you the compensation you deserve especially if you are suffering from long-term effects.

  • How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Car Accident?

    How much compensation you can claim for a car accident injury can vary drastically, as with most types of accident claims. This is simply because realistically not every car accident injury is the same meaning the car accident claims payouts can vary from case to case. The best approach to getting an accurate assessment on the amount of car crash compensation you could claim for an injury is to speak with us, or a solicitor of your choosing.

    Speaking to us however whether by phone or through our chat feature will help us to determine what injuries and other possible effects you might have suffered from the car accident. Most of our initial calls by phone take around 5 – 10 minutes. We can then more accurately estimate what car accident compensation you could be entitled to, and should you like us to take your car accident claim on (there’s no obligation) we can then proceed further.

  • Is There A Car Accident Claim Time Limit?

    The time limit for a car accident claim is 3 years from the date of the accident, or 3 years from when an injury is diagnosed and can be proven to be as a result of the car accident. In some circumstances the 3 year time limit in which to make a car accident claim may be extended, however you should get legal advice sooner rather than later to be sure you can still start a claim.

  • Why Choose Our Car Accident Claims Solicitors?

    A car accident claim is to compensate victims of road traffic accidents for their pain and suffering when they’ve suffered injury due to somebody else’s negligence. If you are planning on filing a car accident compensation claim, and you should, it is always a good idea to have a solicitor representing you for several reasons.

    First and foremost, with a solicitor by your side, the car insurance company will not be so quick to tempt you with a dismal settlement for your car crash in exchange for dismissing the case.

    Many car insurance companies want to get car accident victims a quick settlement instead of having the case potentially go to court. While this may seem like a good offer at the time, the truth is, what they offer is likely to be far lower than what you are entitled to and what you will eventually get if you file an accident compensation claim.

    Another reason for hiring a personal injury solicitor is that they are experienced and will know exactly how to present your case and what factors to include in the presentation so that you get the highest compensation possible.

    With decades of experience in personal injury claims such as car accidents and whiplash claims, our solicitors are experts in No Win No Fee claims. Besides our excellent reputation for our expertise we are a law firm that cares about our clients and provide a service that is second to none.

    We provide any potential clients a free initial consultation where they will receive confidential legal advice about the injury claim that you would like to pursue, with absolutely no obligation to assign your claim to us.

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Hundreds of thousands of people are injured in Road Traffic Accidents every year.

If you have suffered injury in a traffic accident we may be able to assist.

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